MyWay Route Planner works in EVERY industry

Want to know how it can work in yours?
Route Planner for Food Delivery

Route optimization for Food Delivery

Optimize your food delivery routes with MyWay Route Planner. Reduce delivery times and fuel costs with our advanced route optimization features. Manage up to 200 stops, with live traffic updates, priority settings, and proof of delivery options. Whether you're delivering hot meals or catering services, MyWay ensures fast and efficient routes. Easily import addresses, track routes, and navigate with your favorite map app. MyWay Route Planner is the perfect tool for food delivery businesses looking to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Trusted by 600,000+ drivers across 150 countries

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"As a UPS driver, MyWay Route Planner has been a game-changer for me. My routes are usually 100+ stops daily, so MyWay saves me hours and reduces fuel costs dramatically. The live traffic feature is spot on, and integration with Google Maps is seamless. Highly recommended for any driver out there!"

Sam Richies
UPS Driver
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"Amazon deliveries can be chaotic, but MyWay Route Planner makes it so much easier. I love how I can set time windows and priorities for each stop. Fuel savings are noticeable, and I’m consistently finishing my routes faster than before."

Lucas Hillcrest
AmazonFlex Driver
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"Managing logistics can be challenging, but MyWay Route Planner simplifies the process. It offers robust route optimization features that help streamline our operations. The app's reliability and accuracy make it an invaluable asset to our logistics team. Highly recommend!"

Emily Shawn
Logistics Coordinator
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"Running a business is hectic, but this app makes it much easier! It streamlines my scheduling, optimizes routes, and increases productivity. The intuitive design and reliable navigation are impressive. Kudos to the team behind this incredible app!"

Sophia Carter
Business Owner
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"With MyWay, I save so much time by optimizing routes for all my stops. The ability to prioritize stops and adjust delivery times is extremely helpful. It’s reliable, easy to use, and perfect for anyone dealing with multiple stops."

Mark Hudson
DHL Driver
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"After endless hours spent on choosing a good delivery planner, I finally have found this one. Good looking, with good address coverage, allows you to optimize stops without any need to buy a subscription. Just amazing.”

Mark Strayer
Courier driver

Get MyWay Route Planner Now!

MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel

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4.8 rating on the App Store