MyWay Route Planner works in EVERY industry

Want to know how it can work in yours?
Route Planner for Delivery Companies & Couriers

Local Delivery Route Planner

MyWay Route Planner is the ultimate tool for local delivery businesses. Optimize your delivery routes, saving time and fuel costs while ensuring timely service. Manage up to 200 stops per route with features like proof of delivery, priority settings, and real-time traffic updates. Whether you're delivering food, parcels, or other goods, MyWay helps you navigate efficiently, with easy address imports and route tracking. Ideal for small businesses and large enterprises alike, MyWay Route Planner keeps your local delivery operations running smoothly and profitably.

Trusted by 600,000+ drivers across 150 countries

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"As a field technician, MyWay Route Planner is a game-changer! It helps me plan my service calls effectively, reducing travel time and increasing customer satisfaction. The app's extensive address coverage and reliable navigation never disappoint. Thumbs up!"

Michael Parker
Field Technician
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"MyWay has improved my daily routes significantly. The app is super user-friendly, and the route optimization saves me so much time. It considers traffic and weather conditions, making sure I always have the best route. A must-have for drivers."

Kyle Preston
UPS Driver
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"After endless hours spent on choosing a good delivery planner, I finally have found this one. Good looking, with good address coverage, allows you to optimize stops without any need to buy a subscription. Just amazing.”

Mark Strayer
Courier driver
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"The route optimization in MyWay is fantastic. I can set priorities, time windows, and adjust routes on the fly. It has saved me hours every week, and now my deliveries are always on time. Couldn’t ask for a better app."

Greg Snowden
FedEx Driver
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"Running a business is hectic, but this app makes it much easier! It streamlines my scheduling, optimizes routes, and increases productivity. The intuitive design and reliable navigation are impressive. Kudos to the team behind this incredible app!"

Sophia Carter
Business Owner
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"I use this app everyday for work and it’s never let me down! The address coverage is outstanding and the app interface is very simple. This app does not cost a fortune like others do and has all features I need for work.”

Ronnie Ace
Building Inspector

Get MyWay Route Planner Now!

MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel

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4.8 rating on the App Store